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Aquarius New Moon
Eternal Art Chemy
1/27/20253 min read

The Aquarius new moon will occur on the 29th January at about 12pm European time zone.
When arriving in the period of new moon we are invited to let go of certain ideals, emotions, habits or social relationship, anything that needs to end, therefore, on the other hand, we can start new habits, new relationship or even deeper the relation in different direction, start new project or evolved the project we are in.
The actual day of the new moon is considered as a good day to rest, walk into nature, be more at ease with ourselves. The metabolic system of this day can be at its lowest. Fasting could be beneficial for this day. I will advise that you do some research on the process of fasting to ensure you are well prepared and avoid any disruption into your body.
It is also a great time for self reflection, this can allow a more clarified path for the rise of the moon toward the full moon.
The Aquarian New Moon Energies :
When the Sun and the Moon conjuncted in Aquarius, we can expect to find ourselves less dynamic in our social interactions, Aquarius is a sign looking toward collective project, association, humanitarian ideals and innovative ideas, we can have a need for a more reflected time on the actual new moon day, for this instance on the 29th January. There is a need to recharge the battery.
It could be a great time to care for our sleeping pattern, the Aquarius sign is associated with the pineal gland, the gland that synthesis and release an hormone, the melatonin.
The melatonin has for function to help us in our sleeping pattern, regulating the circadian rhythm of our body, the “body inner clock”, which when well managed allow a better use of the body function, our general mood and health, improve our memories and cognitive functions.
This could be a great time to start new habits to put us in line with our body natural rhythm. Trying to stick to the same sleeping routine, eating at regular times and managing a healthy food habit, avoid using screens before bed, start a physical activity and practice meditation to reduce the overall stress of the body.
It might feel overwhelming, but I will suggest you to pick one or two goals maximum through the list to avoid any burnout or resistance from your mind. Start gradually, improve step by step until the rise of the Full Moon.
The transit and aspect of the 2025 Aquarian New Moon:
The new moon will occur at 9º of the Aquarius the 29th January at about 12:08pm, European time zone.
At this moment we will see a conjunction Mercury/Pluto in the same sign.
Here the energies coul lead us to change certain way of thinking, but also the way we communicate. It could be a great time to learn and deeper our knowledge with a new language.
We will also see in Pisces, a conjunction involving, Neptune, Venus and the North Node, trine with Mars in Cancer also in sextile to Uranus in Taurus.
With the aspect Mars and the conjunction Neptune, Venus and the North Node we could have here great inspiration for the dreams and desires we have. This could be even more powerful if we can take the time to reflect within ourselves during this New Moon and gather a great intuitive energy. (Mars Cancer retrograde sextile Uranus Taurus retrograde)
Mars will play the apex role of a T-square. With Chiron in Aries squaring Mars and the Black Moon in Libra squaring Mars.
We could have during this period of New Moon the desire to fully renew our homes, we might be inclined to move things around and to redecorate our homes more in line with our way of thinking.
There could also be some changing in the people we are living with and perhaps the elder children could be living the house or planning to do so.
The conjunction Moon Sun will be in Trine with a retrograde Jupiter in Gemini, who is in sextile with Saturn in Pisces.
Once again the energies feels a need for rest, self reflection and a connection with our consciousness and unconsciousness.
In order to secure the goals we want to achieve in the future, we need to organize more accurately.
Overall, this New Moon seem to bring us a pause, a time of rest. A time for reflection for a better clarification of the project close to our heart. This is one of the major keys needed to accomplish our desires no matter what outcome could rise before us.
There is also a need to change certain things in the house, the home, perhaps a move could be planned.
The advisor for the new moon to come:
"Take a pen, seat, meditate, let your imagination guide you, your emotions move you. Write down your experience. Check where you want to go in your life."
Thank you for reading this article.
I wish all of you a fantastic New Moon.
Eternal Artchemy
From Earth & Space