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Eternal Art Chemy
1/21/20255 min read

Aquarius Month:
In this article we will discuss about this sign of the zodiac and have a look at the key points and aspect that will occur during this Aquarian season.
Don’t hesitate to take some notes and write down some aspect you might feel the need to keep tract on in your calendar.
The AQUARIUS sign:
The Aquarius is a sign that is part of the air elements of the zodiac, with Libra and Gemini. The air signs are generally gazing toward communication, intellectual exchanges and thoughts. The Aquarius sign has the capacity to communicate in a broad way, it is associated with internet and all the connections that it allows.
Thus, the Aquarius is in line with the press, the media, the cinema and so on.
This sign is looking toward self-expression. People who are born under the influence of the Aquarius sign are looking for standing out of the norm, they like to express their uniqueness in the world.
The Aquarius is a sign who doesn't support any kind of restrictions that prohibit the development of a society, Often leading its energies toward revolutionary ideas when it feels not in line with the logic of a balanced and healthy society.
The Aquarius sign holds a strong core value for humanitarian philosophy.
This sign likes new technologies, we often find on this sign new technological concepts with engineers, scientists and researchers. It is looking for a more universal approach to life in order to discover and understand life without boundaries or limits.
When the Sun transits the Aquarius sign, we, generally, are more open to social interactions, we can be driven to connect with others and willing to find ourselves with new relationship or evolve in a certain way the collective, associations or friendship we have.
We can feel the desire to step out of the crowd and be willing to appear different, especially in the way we think.
We could also be looking for new projects. There are chances for us to be looking for humanitarian ideas and concepts to work on, with a willingness to connect with others in order to improve the society.
Sunday 19th January: the sun arrived in Aquarius activating what has been discussed here above.
Monday 20th January: Conjonction Sun/Pluto. A strong conjunction that might lead us to end some relations, associations, or collective projects that we might have started or perhaps are finishing. We could see ourselves more prone to change the way we act in the society and question how we could integrate our uniqueness in the world.
During this transit we could also hear about different discoveries about space and new technologies.
With Pluto in Aquarius, we might have to be ready to have uncertain changes that could lead to existential crises. On personal and collective plan.
On the same day we will also have Mercury in Capricorn in sextile with Venus conjuncted Saturn in Pisces. We might have here the need to express ourselves in the collective. Some of us could be sharing information concerning the kind of study or life experience they have been through. We could also be drawn to discover new artists, or participate in artistic events. This could give us a sense of elevation by connecting with different group of people.
The 26th January: Venus inconjuncted the Black Moon. There might be some clarification over certain relation that could have been quite blurry, so far. This could end or deeper the relation.
On the same day Mercury will be in sextile with Neptune. It would be very beneficial here to communicate with the people we love or have recently met in order to have a more peaceful conjunction when Venus will pass Neptune.
Venus will also sextile Uranus in Taurus. The need for the liberations of certain emotions is here emphasised, going in line with the idea to clarify any social relationship we might have been experiencing so far.
The 30th January: the Sun will be in trine with a retrograde Jupiter in Gemini. Mercury will pass through the Cusp of Aquarius sign and will be in conjunction with Pluto in Aquarius. In the almost same time, Venus will reach Neptune making a conjunction in Pisces.
A solide day, here are key informations about each of the placement.
Conjunction Pluto/Mercury : we could see major changing in the way we express ourselves and communicate with others. It could be a great way to explore the deepness of our consciousness with a joyful connection.
Conjunction Venus/Neptune : We might have great inspiration for artistic project, but also feel very connected to the person we love. Our intuition might feel more tangible.
Trine Sun/Jupiter: We could see great expansion in our studies, enthousiasm in intellectual exchanging, and we could meet throughout books, talks or a person knowledges that will bring us some teaching giving us a sens of growth. We might also be in need to care for administrative task, Jupiter representing also the law and order.
We can also notice Uranus passing direct on this day. Allowing some sort of liberation over certain situations that might have felt blocked.
The 2nd February: Venus/Neptune/North node in conjunction brings positive outcome toward our life goals, we might be able to clearly see where we want to go in the future, especially for those who have been able to clarify the situations they are experiencing with their social life.
4th February: Jupiter passing direct in Gemini, we might be looking for movement during this time. Jupiter is in trine with Mercury in Aquarius, on an other hand our energy could be felt overwhelmed by an overflow of informations, it could be a great period to take time to relax the nerves at this time.
6th February: Venus arriving in Aries, here we might discover a new passion, It might be a short passion over the transit of Venus in the sign of Aries, or a totally new path that will open new ideas and project for the future, Venus is on sextile to Pluto In Aquarius.
8th February: Sun and Mercury in Aquarius sextile Chiron in Aries, here we could feel the need to be more in line with ourselves. A need to be more connected to who we are and discover what we could bring to the people we love. It would be interesting here to investigate even more where our passion could take us for a better future.
15th February: Mercury will pass the Pisces cusp, here the communication might be turning inward. It could be a great time to meditate and connect with our higher-self. It would be advised during this period of Mercury transiting Pisces to stay in connection with the daily task and not be drawn into fantasy day dreaming like situations. On the other hand, creativity could be felt greatly enhanced if you are looking for a new artistic projects, this is the time !
The Aquarius season will bring a lot of newness into our lives and we should be ready to be shaken in different directions, it feels that there is an important factor in line with the our social life as well as the esteem we put in our capacities and the way we are able to share our uniqueness with others.
I hope that this format will give you great insight for the season to come.
Please keep in mind that this is a general reading of the energies that could be felt during this period. To have a better understanding on how it could affect you on a more personal level, I encourage you to look directly at your natal chart and where those placements will occur.
I am available for those who would like a reading of their chart.
Thanks for reading this article and see you next time !
Eternal Artchemy
From Earth & Space