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Full Moon In Taurus
Eternal Art Chemy
11/10/20243 min read

The full moon in Taurus will be on during the night of 15th to 16th November. We will have a conjuncted moon with Uranus. Some form of tension may be felt and desires for freedom may conflict with our security needs. Particularly at the unconscious level.
For those who have already worked a little on these points, the emotions associated with this full moon may bring a release from certain repetitive patterns, bringing us to a new self-realisation.
Our conjunction Moon Uranus will be in trine with Pluto in Capricorn, which could bring some stability to our career. Here, we find a cold-blooded energy regarding the tasks to be carried out for the implementation of the works that are dear to our hearts. Emotions are here tempered, reflected and well anchored. Meditative practice will be a great support, and we can easily have flashes of genius and concrete ideas helping us to move forward on our path.
Pluto in Capricorn will be in Sextile with the Sun. Here, the energies of internal transformation that we will experience through this Full Moon will lead us to a more understanding of ourselves, which will help us to recognised any behaviours and obsolete repetitive patterns that hold us back.
To emphasis the energies we will see a trine Moon Uranus in Taurus with Pluto in Capricorn, Venus master of the sign of Taurus will also be in the sign of Capricorn. Venus, a planet that speaks to us about our relationships, our love of life, our feelings, our desires, the passions that drive us and the things that bring us a sense of well-being and self-worth. It will be interesting during this Full Moon period to be able to create, paint, go out into nature, cook and everything that calls for a form of personal attention and well-being.
We will also see a Mars in Leo that will push us into action.
This Mars will be in inconjuction with Venus in Capricorn. We may have some rebalancing to do during this period in how we manage our relationships, both professionally and emotionally. In addition, This Mars in Leo will be in sextile with the south node in balance. A south node that has already pushed us enormously to reconsider our relationships with others. This may reactivate some concepts that may have been poorly integrated. Venus, by its transit, calls us to regain a certain control over our social ties, friendships, family, lovers, etc...
Mars will also be in opposition with Pluto in Capricorn, we could be strongly driven by a need for social recognition, which can lead us into conflicts with our surroundings. The practice of martial arts could help to evacuate these energies.
Mercury in sagittarius will give us a taste for studies, and especially in the spiritual and philosophical fields. We can also benefit from a fine, enthusiastic and convincing verb to get what we want.
We may have work-related travel, and even strong travel cravings. Jupiter will be in opposition to this Mercury. We could also benefit from a strong expansion in our business.
This Mercury will be squared to Saturn in the sign of Pisces, as well as Jupiter in Gemini. We may have to learn to accept that others do not necessarily see things the same way as we do. It will also be interesting to temper a perhaps too proselyte side in our conversations, especially as regards our vision of the world and life.
In another hand, the need for movement and displacement may be strong, we might be more connected to our dreams of travel, but this may require a certain rationalism in the choices that we could make. Saturn being the tip of this T-square.
In conclusion, I would say that this Full Moon in Taurus brings us a lot of personal achievements and accomplishments. It does ask us to keep our course on our new paradigms. It presents itself as a kind of final test, leading to a real personal transformation. We can benefit during this period from good illuminations, a good imagination and a strong intuition as to the best actions to take in our life, if we take the time to learn to refocus on ourselves.
Thank you for taking the time to read this article and I hope it will help you on your way.
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