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Monday Drawing 06/24

The news for the week


Eteternal Art Chemy

5/6/20242 min read

person holding round glass ball
person holding round glass ball

Hello everyone,

I hope this reading will support you in your journey. Keep in mind that this is a general reading and it is highly recommended to follow your own intuition and feelings.

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Enjoy your reading.

Today, we will draw the Yin and Yang cards.

The one on the left, the Yin, will talk about your emotions, about what is happening deep inside you, your inner world, your desires and your imagination.

The card on the right, your Yang, the way you will be able to set up your projects, your personal expression, but also communication with others and your external affairs.

These two polarities, Yin and Yang, need each other. The Yang needs his Yin to find inspiration, in order to fully express itself and on the other hand the Yin, needs to see her desires to come true to feel fulfilled and keep her inspiration to flow.

For the card on the left, and therefore the Yin we draw today,

the 32 - Faith In The Process:

This card tells me that right now you can feel emotionally agitated. This card calls on you to gain confidence in what is happening inside. It invites you to take a moment to reflect. A release is latent and a light will at some point in this week enlighten you a little more on the way forward. Some communication with yourself will be necessary to redefine your goals and see if they are still in line with your deepest desires.

On the Right and therefore for the Yang card we have,

the 24 - New Birth, Guarded Vigilantly :

This card, makes me immediately think about the need to provide some form of protection against the Yin. It is as if the flow of emotions you experience is there to let you understand certain situations on your way. They need to be heard and will allow you to move forward on your path.

Your Yin part here needs its yang support, in order to be able to fully transform and let the processes take place. Wherever you are at the moment, do not hesitate to do small actions in accordance with the problems you encounter to let the situations be unblocked.

This week could be a week of change or the beginning of a new life stage. Be attentive to the events around you to stay open to any new opportunity and feel free to act for the best of yourself.