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New Moon in Leo
The outcome of the next new moon in Leo
Eternal Art Chemy
8/1/20242 min read

The new moon in Leo will occur on August 4th arround 4:42pm. This will be at 12º of the sign.
We could see some days before and a few days after some emerging ideas for creative projects. It would be interesting to launch your project at this time if you have any desires and dreams in your life. Mars in Gemini will be in sextile with the conjunction Moon Sun in Leo bringing great energy for taking actions. We will also see Mercury in Virgo who will bring a nice methodology into the things we want achieve.
Jupiter will also be part of the sextile and will give us luck in what we care about.
We can benefit from good energies to undertake any type of learning that gives us a sense of elevation.
At the level of social relations, I will warn with some partnership that could be blurred or too ambiguous, Saturn in Pisces, square with Jupiter in Gemini, in quinconce with the conjunction Moon/Sun in Leo is very much concerned about illusions.
It would be interesting to clarify your sentimental relationships and not be afraid to expose your true desires to others which in any cases will greatly help your own evolution. Jupiter in gemini give beneficial energies for exchanging and communicating.
Venus, will finish her visit of the Leo sign, a Venus that will have share great creativity during its transit and that could have shake us from inside the valour we place on ourselves.
When Venus will arrive in Virgo few days after this new Moon in Leo, it would be interesting to make a small point with yourself. It would be a good time to pamper and take care of yourself through soft medicine, also doing a sorting in business could bring satisfaction.
It should be noted that Venus ends its wander in Leo with a quinconce with Neptune, there will perhaps be during this period special dreams that will bring us some answers to our questions.
With Mercury, who will retrograde the day after the new moon in the sign of the Virgo could bring an ideal energy to make an introspection. But also revise some of the contract we have.
In conclusion, this new moon brings us a lot of opportunity for clarification about our relationships to others but also to ourselves. With good energy to put our ideas in place. I would still be careful with the types of contracts that could be signed, try to stay vigilant, Mars-Jupiter in gemini could bring to much enthusiasm providing us to clearly see the situations that could lead to a lack of seriousness in business or even scam, try to temper yourself.
I hope that this interpretation will enlighten you.
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