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Eternal Art Chemy

12/20/20244 min read

brown and white animal on gray rock
brown and white animal on gray rock

The Capricorn Season :

The Sun will fully enter the Capricorn sign on December 22nd at about 11:30 p.m. in the European Time Zone.

The Capricorn :

The archetype of Capricorn speaks about our social destiny, what we are aiming toward giving to society, and our capacity to master any skills and knowledge that interest us. Therefore, we find recognition for our abilities in our social environment.

The energies of the Capricorn bring a lot of maturity, this sign has a high understanding of the duties and the endurance needed to climb the top of the mountain (our goals). This sign has a more independent character, it is looking for more isolation from societal life, seeking to research, analyse and understand any subjects that interest the Capricorn.

For me, this is one of the reasons that the Capricorn sign is followed by the Aquarius, it is only through the skills and competence that we have deeply studied and mastered that we are able to bring up invention and new concepts (Aquarius signs) toward life and humanity.

Thus, the Capricorn is a strategic sign, being part of the three Earth elements his sensitivity is driven by an analytical, logistical and pragmatic mind. The Capricorn is a leader who cares about taking each detail of any situation before taking action, it is a patient sign.

The Capricorn is represented by a Goat with a fin. The fin goat! Representing the capacity for this sign to navigate through any emotions without disturbance.

On the downside, the Capricorn, like any other earth sign, Taurus and Virgo, can show stubbornness and have difficulty letting go of a certain control. This sign from the outside can be felt cold in the sense that the Capricorn keeps deeply his emotions under control, which can sometimes lead to explosive temperament if the sign hasn’t been able to express it all out.

This sign like the Virgo and the Taurus has a stronger tendency to burn out. Their fear of lacking finances and not being able to achieve their goal can make their temperament prone to “job addiction”.

The transit in the Capricorn :

When the sun arrives in Capricorn it marks the beginning of the winter solstice, this is the shortest day of the year, and it is also the beginning of the climbing Sun where the days start to slowly lengthen.

We will see the Sun in a square with the South Node in Libra and the North node in Aries. This accentuates what we have been working on since July with the conception we have of ourselves and our relationship.

With the Sun arriving in the Capricorn we could still find some challenges finding the connection and the right balance between the self and the social environment/interaction as it is a square aspect.

We could have some ending in certain relations, but also we could find ourselves more in tune with the value we hold inside us. This transit might help us to “climb” over certain fears that can prohibit our capacity to rise and elevate our conciseness.

We can see that Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn, is in Pisces and his “semi-sextiling” Venus as well as inconjuncting The black Moon, this accentuates the need to readjust the way we value ourselves and once again our connection with others.

It is like the planets are pushing us to create clear boundaries with our surroundings, knowing to differentiate the different interactions we can have with others and overall knowing our own limits over our relationships.

Semi-sextile to the Sun we can see Pluto in the sign of Aquarius, the planet might mark the end of certain cycles and lead us toward new ones. Especially as the Sign of Aquarius represents projects, new innovative ideas and friendships.

With Venus in Aquarius we could feel ourselves more prone to freedom, but also seeking intellectual and deep communication with others. We can also feel more creative. We might seek a more unconventional way of being and break free from external judgement, it is like this month will let us slowly rise to a unique personal way of expressing ourselves. It could be a new appearance, a different way of creating, maybe slightly more politically provocative, or even a change in our art sensitivity.

We might see ourselves as uncomfortable with any kind of restriction or blockages, and therefore more prone to revolutionary feelings. Our sense of humanitarian ideal could be greatly felt.

During this Capricorn month, the energy could be felt upside down. We could experience the desire to move, to meet and celebrate with others, but at the same time a need to isolate, think about the future, make solid plans for the year to come, seeking to excel in the fields that deeply resonate with us.

We can see that Uranus ruler of Aquarius is in Taurus a sign associated with Venus is in sextile with Neptune, the upper octave of Venus.

Maybe this month will be a great month to fully reflect on how we perceive our material and emotional attachments. It is as we would like to clear ancient patterns, especially as the Moon in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces. There is a call to let go of old habits that no longer serve us, allowing new patterns to unfold before us and lead us to the dreams and desires that are deeply close to our hearts.

Mars retrograde in Leo is in opposition to Pluto in Aquarius. There might be a collective conflict rising. Some sort of tension could be felt all over. On a more personal scale, this could result in a certain inner revolution, a need to emancipate from certain collectif and find our own path.

This deeply points out the ending of the two North Nodes in the axes Aries - Libra.

To conclude, the Sun arriving in Capricorn seems to take us on a journey to climb our mountain, discover our challenges, strengths and wickednesses, find the courage to face the truth about ourselves, analyse where we are, what we are afraid of, which responsibilities are we run away from?

This winter feels like a call, a call to plant the future seeds for a better spring to come. Even if the road is long, even if we might not know where to start, or how to begin, the Capricorn energies are here to remind us and support us in the understanding that there is always something to gain when persevering, no matter how stiff is the hill, and, step by step, at our owned pace, we can rise, and reach our goals!

“There is no need to be afraid of the end because the end opens the door to the new.”

Thank you so much for reading this article, as always I hope this reading will help you to navigate with more ease on your journey for the better of yourself.