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Monday Drawing 13/05
the news for the week to come
Eternal Art Chemy
5/13/20243 min read
Today we will have a single card draw, you are invited to select the card that speaks to you the most.
Hello everyone,
I hope this reading will support you in your journey. Keep in mind that this is a general reading and it is highly recommended to follow your own intuition and feelings.

In group 1, you are here in a week full of fighting spirit. I feel you are looking for certain objectives. The Jaguar’s eyes are on the future. We feel here, the animal ready to jump towards its target. A form of passage is palpable, as if you were waiting for an opportune moment to put your actions in place. The timing could be right.
For this week, take the opportunities that present themselves to you. The Jaguar is there, and will support you in your businesses. In the mayan civilisation the Jaguar was associated with strength, power and courage.

In group 2, your goals seem to bear fruit and bring you closer to your desires. The arrow here speaks to you of a form of accomplishment in the areas that are important to you.
On a different note, for those who feel they are missing their goal, perhaps it would be interesting to review how you manage your time and energy in order to be better organised and have better visibility on your journey.
You can also be brought to certain administrative tasks, such as contracts, legal papers, invoices, etc.
Your week has a good potential for evolution, do not hesitate to bring more rigour if you feel that things are going in all directions.

For group 3 we have the child’s card.
Your week will seem to take a new road You will be able to see things in a more wonderful way. Perhaps you will be on a new beginning of life. It seems that some cycles are successfully coming to an end and new projects are already beginning to sprout in your mind. You may feel more creative and need to express your emotions artistically. Perhaps you could also find yourself with children or in an environment dedicated to childhood. If you have children, perhaps, it would be a good opportunity to organise a friendly moment with them.
This week seems to you a week of openness to yourself and the child within you. Stay open to a certain innocence of new challenges that may lie before you.
The card game used for this reading :
The mystic shaman Oracle, by Alberto Villoldo, Colette Baron-Reid and Macela Lobos
Eternal Artchemy
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